Black Shadows

Black ShadowsThe night is dark, the wind is high,
Now the Black Shadows come creeping by!
Making a strange, dreadful moaning cry!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!

A witch, perhaps, will pull your hair,
Maybe a ghost will give you a scare!
But of the Shadows you must beware!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!

A Jack-o’Lantern stares at you,
Around the corner, you hear a “Boo!”
Will those Black Shadows come after you?
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!

Now if a Shadow deep and black,
Should try to grab you and then attack,
You must run quickly, and don’t look back!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!

The night is dark, the wind is high,
Now the Black Shadows come creeping by!
Making a strange, dreadful moaning cry!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!
Ooooooo! Ooooooo!



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Se ancora non ti basta, visita lo Speciale Festa di Halloween!

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