Ding, dong, bell
Ding, dong, bell, Pussy’s in the well; Who put her in? Little Johnny Green; Who pulled ...
Ding, dong, bell, Pussy’s in the well; Who put her in? Little Johnny Green; Who pulled ...
È arrivata la Befana, è venuta da Milano: le si vede il deretano perché ha rotta la sottana. È ...
Il était un’ bergère, Et ron, ron, ron, petit patapon. Il était un’ bergère, Qui ...
Let’s sing together: Itsy Bitsy Spider The itsy bitsy spider Climbed up the waterspout ...
Mother Quack-Quack Leeds her brood for a snack Where pools lie on the ground And the duckweed ...
Pollonica Veronica L’hai visto il gattin? Ballava ballava Dimenava il suo codin.
Simple Simon met a pieman Going to the fair; Said Simple Simon to the pieman, “Let me ...
Taccio buraccio Matilde è un cavallaccio: molle, asciutto; aprimelo l’uscio: non te lo ...
The Man in the Wilderness asked of me How many strawberries grow in the sea. I answered him, as ...
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up ...