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An owl sat watching in a tree, Just as wise as he could be, Watching tricksters from door to ...



The moon was lost behind a cloud, When something weird went by, I tried to see it going, It ...

Black Cat!

Black Cat!

Black cat, black cat Looking for a witch. All around the Night is dark as pitch. You can see ...

Halloween is Coming Soon

Halloween is Coming Soon

Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon, Halloween is coming soon, Oh, what fun! ...



Piede, piedino, fa male il sassolino. Tolgo il sasso, vado a spasso, la legna a raccattare, il ...

Halloween Sounds

Halloween Sounds

This is the way the witches fly, witches fly, witches fly, This is the way the witches fly, ...



Cat, Cat, Your eyes are bright and green, Where have you been What have you done So ...

Piove, non piove

Piove, non piove

Piove, non piove, faremo case nuove, di concio, di bronzo, di piume di colombo. L’Angelo ...



Capra, capretta, che bruchi l’erbetta, vuoi una manciatina di sale da cucina? Il sale è ...

La lepre pazza

La lepre pazza

Piazza, bella piazza, ci passò una lepre pazza; Pollice la vide Indice le sparò Medio la scuoiò ...