
Ultimi aggiornamenti

Cobbler, cobbler

Cobbler, cobbler

Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe; Get it done by half-past two; Stitch it up, and stitch it down, ...

Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques

Cantiamo insieme Frère Jacques Frère Jacques Frère Jacques Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? Sonnez les ...

La Befana

La Befana

La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte il suo sacco è pien di toppe e le ossa ha ...

Lo zoo

Lo zoo

Ruggisce il re della foresta  e l’elefante tutto calpesta; salta la scimmia le piace ...

Ninna nanna Bambino mio

Ninna nanna Bambino mio

Ninna nanna Bambino mio, lascia che pianga io. Sei arrivato sulla neve, sei arrivato lieve, ...

Oh, cuckoo-bird

Oh, cuckoo-bird

Oh, cuckoo-bird, go to the forest. You’ll find there a nest just for two, And twine it ...



Promenons-nous dans le bois, Pendant que le loup y est pas. Si le loup y était, Il nous ...

Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy,  Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Ill on ...

The Man in the Wilderness

The Man in the Wilderness

The Man in the Wilderness asked of me How many strawberries grow in the sea. I answered him, as ...