Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Music & Lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

Versione inglese della canzone dell'omonimo film "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" magistralmente interpretato da Dick Van Dyke (22 ottobre 2003).

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Cantiamo insieme: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, versione in inglese

Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

Oh! you! Pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you!
And our pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, loves us too!
High! low! anywhere we go,
on Chitty Chitty we de pend.

Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
our fine fourfendered friend.
You’re uncategorical;
a fuel burning oracle,
a fantasmagorical machine!

You’re more than spectacular,
To use the vernacular, you’re wizard!
You’re smashing! You’re keen!

Oh! Chitty, you! Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you!
And Chitty, our Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, loves us too!

High Chitty, low Chitty, anywhere we go,
on Chitty Chitty we depend.
Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
our fine four fendered friend!

Oh! you! Pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you!
And in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, what we’ll do!
Near far! in our motor car,
oh, what a happy time we’ll spend.
Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
our fine four fendered friend!

You’re sleek as a thoroughbred.
Your seats are a feather bed,
You’ll turn ev’rybody’s head today!

We’ll glide on our motor trip,
with pride in our ownership,
the envy of all we survey!

Oh! Chitty, you! Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you!
And Chitty, our Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, what we’ll do!

Near Chitty, far Chitty, in our motor car,
oh, what a happy time we’ll spend.
Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
our fine fourfendered friend.
Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
our fine fourfendered friend!

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

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