Halloween Sounds

Halloween SoundsThis is the way the witches fly, witches fly, witches fly,
This is the way the witches fly,
Swish, swish, swish.

This is the way the ghosts go by, ghosts go by, ghosts go by,
This is the way the ghosts go by,
Oooh, oooh , oooh.

This is the way the black cats howl, black cats howl, black cats howl,
This is the way the black cats howl,
Meow! Meow! Meow!

This is the way the pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh,
This is the way the pumpkins laugh,
Hee! Hee! Hee!

This the way the night owls cry, night owls cry, night owls cry,
This is the way the night owls cry,
Hoo, hoo, hoo.



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E ancora:

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Se cerchi i più bei Costumi fai da te per Halloween, clicca qui!

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Se cerchi i migliori Lavoretti per Halloween, clicca qui!

Consigli di sicurezza per Halloween
Come vivere Halloween in sicurezza: regole per grandi e piccini: clicca qui!

Poesie in Cornice
Per stampare le Poesie in Cornice, clicca qui!


Se ancora non ti basta, visita lo Speciale Festa di Halloween!

Speciale Halloween
Visita lo speciale Festa di Halloween!

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