Lazy Mary Will You Get Up?

Lazy Mary, will you get up?
Will you get up, will you get up?
Lazy Mary, will you get up,
So early in the morning.

No, dear mother, I won’t get up,
I won’t get up, I won’t get up,
No, dear mother, I won’t get up,
So early in the morning.

What’ll you give me for my for my breakfast?
For my breakfast, for my breakfast?
A little bowl of bread and milk,
So early in the morning.

Then, dear mother, I won’t get up,
I won’t get up, I won’t get up,
Then, dear mother, I won’t get up,
So early in the morning.

A nice young man with rosey cheeks,
With rosey cheeks, with rosey cheeks
Then, dear mother, I will get up,
So early in the morning.

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