My thoughts on a lonely night

Ecco la poesia di Costantino (16 settembre 2003).

A star looks down on earth
With patient melancholy
Whispering timeless phrases
Which are both antique and remote.

The night silence is full of serenity,
When I look at your sinless image,
Now you know my secret thoughts
And the darkness vanishes at once.

Darkness can invade anything,
As a vigorous black brush stroke
Covers a painted landscape
By wiping out its vital luminosity.

Only the most concealed
Spaces of our souls can hear
Such sweet delivered melodies
Murmuring the long lasting sky history

You would like to sound
Those words that drink from
The roots of our feelings
Not drowning them in a drop of silence.

Words must be contemplated
To convey a pregnant message,
They must be lit by the truth
To enlighten the listening souls.

The starlight leads me to places
Unknown to the human eye
Towards inner landscapes
Which are strange to the time progress.

Then your dreams and hopes
Resurface more distinctly
Being wrapped up by the light
That is fragile and precious like eternity.

The starlight hits a rose
Which blossoms at its peak
Reaching the passing beauty
That can never die in our hearts.

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