Struwwelpeter – Shock headed Peter

Heinrich Hoffmann (1809-1894) - Traduzione di Mark Twain

Struwwelpeter Shock headed Peter

Let’s read together: Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffmann

In the translation of Mark Twain

See this frowsy “cratur”
Pah! it’s Struwwelpeter
On his fingers rusty,
On his two-head musty,
Scissors seldom come;
Lets his talons grow a year
Do any loathe him? Some!
They hail him “Modern satyr –
Disgusting Struwwelpeter.”


Other translation “Shock headed Peter”

Just look at him! there he stands,
With his nasty hair and hands.
See! his nails are never cut;
They are grimed as black as soot;
And the sloven, I declare,
Never once has combed his hair;
Anything to me is sweeter
Than to see Shock-headed Peter.


To read Struwwelpeter in other languages


Struwwelpeter Shock headed Peter

To read the other nursery rhymes from the book Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffmann


Struwwelpeter Special
Go to Struwwelpeter Special!

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