Etichetta: Papà

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This Is To My Father

This Is To My Father

This Is To My Father, My Father, My Father. This Is To My Father, The Best Father Of All. He Is ...

A Father  means…

A Father means…

A Father means so many things… A understanding heart, A source of strength and of support ...

Our Fathers

Our Fathers

Our fathers toil with hands and heart To make our lives complete. They quietly brave the winter ...

Most of all

Most of all

I love you, Dad, for all the things you do. You make laugh when I am feeling blue. You can ...



Out in the morning Father goes, Whether it pours with rain or snows, Whether the wild wind ...



“F” aithful. “A” lways there. “T” rustworthy. ...

What makes a dad

What makes a dad

God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The ...

Al mio papà

Al mio papà

Ti racconto una cosa papà: vorrei che tu non andassi al lavoro per giocare con me… Ma ...

Filastrocca del papà

Filastrocca del papà

Papà ti voglio bene! Oggi è la tua festa e c’è auguri nella testa. Con le macchinine insieme a ...

A mio padre

A mio padre

Ti sento salire le scale e vorrei correrti incontro per abbracciarti stretto. Vigile e ...